Hey there, hope you all had a great christmas! ๐ We won’t be talking too much about particular tech today: Before it turns 2025, there are a few words I would very like to share.
First, thanks to everyone that managed to find this blog and are somewhat interested! It’s my first time maintaining something like this, and I have to say, I never thought self-hosting would be this complex and exhausting. There have been sessions of me trying to fix stuff or change stuff on my home server, and what was estimated to take a Friday afternoon ends up taking the whole weekend. Things sometimes break, seemingly by themselves, and I would then have to figure out whether it’s an issue on my side or it’s something that broke upstream. And neither of them are pleasing to deal with, as you can imagine. ๐
And then, there’s the blog: I’m trying to keep up producing content, but as you can see, I haven’t been too successful, evident by the fact that the last post dates back to July… I will be trying to write more posts in the next year, but I can’t guarantee too much. Things have been moving very fast in my home lab and I bring up or tear down new services pretty often, I have to say. But that’s also due to the fact that nothing has ever really stabilized in my home lab: Hardware configurations change, devices get repurposed, or maybe I find alternatives to what I have – be it services, workflows or whatever really. Not sure if I will be writing about it too much, but the quick version is: I’ve moved back to my old laptop for hosting the services, and now use the N5105 box with OpnSense. And even after all this, I’m sure that I will be looking for different hardware at most 2 years later. And that’s hard to cope with the blog – things move way faster than I could ever write blog posts.
But those are all just excuses. I’ve always been dreaming of something big, and this blog might as well be the start to it. A lot has happened in the last year, and I’ve also changed, by a lot. Some things might never be the same again, and some things are due to be fixed. There’s time, we’ll tackle them one by one, starting with this blog.
I hope it didn’t sound overly dramatic… did it? Anyways, that was the somewhat emotional part. But hold on, before you leave, I have to tell you to check out the third Sonic movie, in theaters right now. Not going to give any spoilers, all that I can say is that… “Maria!” (Shadow noises) ๐ฆ On a side note, did he ever smile, even once? Kind of sad to think about it. ๐

Alright, that’s all I’ve got for you today. I still got quite a few topics to write about in the next year, so don’t worry – it won’t get boring. Happy new year, and I guess we’ll see each other in 2025!
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